'Capturing memories that will last a lifetime'


My first session as a volunteer for The Butterfly Wishes Network

Today was a very exciting day.

My first session as a volunteer for The Butterfly Wishes Network



I was overjoyed that these two beautiful girls Riley & Ivy thoroughly relaxed in Beside the seaside photography's studio.

Ivy was entertained with bubbles, encanto music 🎶 tambourine and Mum's beautiful singing.

As a cerebal palsy warrior she did fantastically and the little diva smiled a lot towards the end of the session ( I will let @The butterfly wishes network share those ones when they're edited!!)

Thankyou Leah for bringing your girls into the studio and for little Riley who was very patient and smiley and I was as sad as her when she didn't want to leave 💕

That's what a session should be about, comfortable, happy, relaxed no pressure on both the parents and the children but I know today we have "captured memories that last a lifetime"

More to follow....

